We often use real-life metaphors to make software development concepts more approachable and understandable, especially for the people just entering the field. Sometimes, however, the reverse approach could help a seasoned coder to cope with the real world.
Today we talk with Casey Watts, the author of Debugging Your Brain, a clear applied psychology, and a concise self-help book. The human brain is buggy, just as any legacy code is. Casey tells us about techniques that can help us refactor our thinking, speed up our thought processes and ultimately debug our brains.
When you finish listening to the episode, connect with Casey on LinkedIn and Twitter, visit his website at https://www.caseywatts.com and https://www.debuggingyourbrain.com, and check out his book Debugging Your Brain.
Mentioned in this episode:
Casey on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseywatts/
Casey on Twitter at https://twitter.com/heycaseywattsup
Debugging Your Brain at https://www.amazon.com/Debugging-Your-Brain-Casey-Watts/dp/0578755033?
Debugging Your Brain Website at https://www.debuggingyourbrain.com
Casey’s Website at https://www.caseywatts.com
Cognitive distortions at https://www.debuggingyourbrain.com/distortions/